Monday, June 28, 2004

A couple of Cabir fixtools have been released ...

A couple of Cabir fixtools have been released in the past few days.

- A free download from security vendor

- TSG Pacific is offering their fix for $15, including a year of updates. Available through

- Kaspersky has released a fixtool for Cabir today. About 7k, seems to be about the minimum necessary to delete the Cabir files and directories.

Points for the WAP download. Points for being free, except for data charges on your mobile.

Points for the decabir-1.0.sis shell script. ;)

Looks like the mobile security space is going to get a bit more crowded.

I know at least one AV vendor that had a scanner for Symbian version 5. Modifying their scanner GUI for Series 60 and UIQ would have been the obvious move.

Protecting the ‘Metaverse ecosystem’…: Openness is healthy

Meta’s Reality Labs has an opening for “Malware Reverse Engineer” . Not an uncommon role, but this particular one is a bit more specific whe...